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Welcome to the Menomonee Falls Little League

Welcome to the Menomonee Falls Little League

Team Parent


Click on the file below to access a copy of the sample that is in your packet for scheduling families.

Sample Schedule Team Parent

Team Parent Meeting - TBD

Team Parent Responsibilities
MFLL operates primarily through the work of volunteers who donate their time and effort to provide the best possible program for the players.
Thank you for volunteering to be the Team Parent for your player’s team this year. What follows is your list of responsibilities for the season. You will receive 4 hours of volunteer time. In 2025, this will fill your families’ volunteer obligation to the Little League.

Team Information Officer
You are first and foremost a liaison between the Manager/Coaches and the parents on your team. If the coach needs information communicated, you are the one he/she will call. It’s helpful to have all parents’ names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. From time to time, you will be asked to pass along important League-related information. Emails sent to you by the Volunteer Coordinator should be forwarded to your team’s families within 24 hours whenever possible. This information is typically non-game related, yet important for the families to receive.

Game Day
Your coaches are relying upon you to coordinate and handle game day responsibilities. This way the coaches focus on the players and not the logistics. Work with your families in any manner of your choosing, to ensure for each game, the following are covered:
1. Field Preparation – all fields, all divisions
At MFLL, the Home team chalks the field prior to each game. The Away team rakes the infield and filling the divots in the batter’s box and around the bases after each game.

2. Bench Parent – TB, AA, AAA divisions
Coaches are busy making the game happen. The younger players need an adult supervising and assisting them in the “dugout” during the game with items like: batting order, who’s up next, on deck, has a batting helmet, etc, taking on and off the catcher’s gear, finding their bats, hats, etc. This season, we will again only be using the dugouts for the batter on deck and batter in the hole. The players will leave their gear spaced apart along the fence outside the dugout and outfield and stay outside the field when not playing.

3. Pitch Count / Scorekeeping – AA through Sr divisions
Some coaches will want the Team Parent to schedule families to do pitch count and scorekeeping. Some coaches do it themselves. Please consult with your coaches to determine if they want assistance with these tasks.

4. Scoreboard on fields LL5 & LL6 – BB Juniors and BB Seniors divisions
Your team is in charge of running the scoreboard if they are the VISITING TEAM ON FIELD #5 or the HOME TEAM ON FIELD #6 – the side that has the best view of the scoreboard. Consult the game schedule on the website as to whether your team is home or visiting. Operating Instructions are located on each scoreboard module at the complex.

5. Team Snacks – TB through ???
Your players will always love snacks. This practice was suspended in 2020, but for 2025, but SNACKS ARE BACK  (as long as all snacks are store purchased and nothing made at home). Make sure you inquire about food allergies and share that information with your families.

**Make sure your families are very clear that Game Day tasks Do Not Count for the League Requirement of 4
hours of volunteering. But they all are still expected to participate. To locate volunteering opportunities
that are tallied for the league requirement, go to the MFLL website and find the link for

**All families are expected to contribute to the Team-Related duties.**
If you have any problems with parents refusing to participate, please contact       MFLL Secretary Adam, at [email protected] to review on a case by case basis.

Team Fundraiser coordinator
We have a few fundraisers for which the Team Parent is the team contact.

● Candy Bars, back by popular demand
Six boxes will be allocated per team. Each player receives half a box. Each bar is $1, 60 bars per box.  Team Parents are expected to pick up the chocolate bars  at Ben Franklin during picture times on April 13th. Money is due TBD (cash or check to MFLL).  Brian Rinke, Fundraising Coordinator, or either mailbox at the complex. Do Not Return Candy Bars.

● Restaurant Nights: TBD

● Little League Night at American Family Stadium:
Little League Night with the Brewers is currently scheduled for TBD. If it doesn’t get cancelled, you’ll be receiving information when we get it, and what we need to Team Parents to do for their team. Use Game Changer to make Events (you, as Team Parent should have this access like a coach) for your team to help them remember these important dates!

Other Fun Things (optional)

● Team Roster Cards:
Team Parents often make up pocket-sized laminated rosters of the player’s names, uniform number and parent’s names and distribute them to each of the team’s families. This is optional, however it does help promote cohesiveness within the team when everyone knows each other and can cheer for each other’s kids by name.

● Planning End of the Season Party (Optional):
Some teams have a post-season party. These parties can be a potluck at someone’s home, at a park, at a restaurant where everyone pitches in for pizza or subs, or whatever your team decides. This is also a good opportunity for coaches to collect uniforms and league-issued pants from the players when the season is over.

Other dates of Interest:
Opening Day: TBD (not all teams will play)
MFLL Mid Season Celebration: TBD
MF Independence Day Parade: TBD
If you have any questions or concerns, email [email protected] .` Thank You!

Contact us

Menomonee Falls Little League

PO BOX 253 
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53052
Email: [email protected]

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