We need your help to keep the park clean during the season. This involves going around The Complex collecting and emptying the trash cans into the main dumpsters and disinfecting the hand washing stations/port-a-potties. There is a Club Car in the shed by the Lower fields’ parking lot to use for this task. Spray bottle of sanitizer will be in the cart. Please be sure to check in with the Park Police to ensure you receive credit. You will earn 2 hours of volunteer time for park cleanup.
Get the cart from the large shed near the South parking lot.
- If the cart is not in the large shed, it may be at either concession stand.
- If the large shed is locked, please see a MFLL Board Member.
- Empty the trash bag from the garbage can and load into the back of the cart.
- Garbage cans are at all 9 fields (don’t forget the T-Ball field!) and near the port-a-potties.
- Port-a-Potties and hand-washing stations are located at:
- Lowers: at the walkway leading to fields 1-4 and South Concession,
- Uppers: near the road near fields 5/6 and the North Concession,
- Softball: near the road at the walkway entrance to field 8
- Wipe excess water from the hand washing station, then spray the surfaces with the sanitizer. Also spray the door handles, inside and out, of the port-a-potties. The sanitizing spray takes 45 seconds to kill bacteria and viruses including coronavirus. Please keep folks away until 45 seconds have passed.
- Drive trash to dispose in the large dumpsters.
- The dumpsters are located near the large sheds by the South parking lot and to the north between the large baseball diamonds and softball fields.
- Return all garbage cans to their original locations.
- Check with each concession stand for any additional garbage and large boxes.
- Return the cart to the shed.
- Children under 16 are not allowed to drive the cart and must be a licensed driver.
- Additional garbage bags and sanitizer, please go to the South Concession.
If while working your shift and games get canceled, you will receive credit for the time worked. If games are canceled prior to your shift, no hours are granted. You will be responsible for rescheduling if you need volunteer hours. Be sure to check the website before coming to The Complex.